Youth employment success - Hot Property

Hot Property

Established in 2002, Hot Property is synonymous with Toowoomba real estate, securing itself as one of the top-performing real estate agencies for selling, leasing, and managing properties across the region. Hot Property provides excellent customer service with a commitment to hard work and a promise to listen and follow through. To us, real estate is about more than sold and leased signs, opening doors and turning on lights. As real estate professionals, we help people transition from one stage of life to the next. From your first rental to selling the family home, embarking on an investment journey, or finding a new business premises. Real estate is about helping people.

Youth Employment Success employer Hot Property logo
Hot Property's Industries
  • Rental, Hiring and Real Estate Services


If you'd like to take advantage of any opportunities seen, please apply here or click the apply button below.

Youth Employment Success opportunity Skills Review logo

Skills Review

Coming together to discuss how your current skills align with a chosen industry and to assess future avenues for training and upskilling.

Youth Employment Success opportunity Booth at Career Day logo

Booth at Career Day

Hosting a stall at organised career fairs to introduce job seekers to a business or industry.

Youth Employment Success opportunity Business Walkthrough logo

Business Walkthrough

Introduce yourself to the industry and witness how the organisation operates.

Youth Employment Success opportunity Coffee Catch-up logo

Coffee Catch-up

Grab a coffee and check in on your work and personal development progress.

Youth Employment Success opportunity CV Review logo

CV Review

Find out what employers are looking for. Make an impression, is your CV accurate, error-free, and shares your goals, level of experience and training.

Youth Employment Success opportunity Industry Entry Discussion logo

Industry Entry Discussion

Meet with workers and managers to discuss job expectations and what employers are looking for in a given industry.

Youth Employment Success opportunity Mentoring logo


A formal, work and personal development relationship between experienced local employers and you.

Youth Employment Success opportunity Mock Interview logo

Mock Interview

A one-on-one learning experience, put your skills to the test and act like you are in a real world interview.

Youth Employment Success opportunity School Assembly Presentation logo

School Assembly Presentation

Introducing school aged Youth to potential career and industry pathways.