Youth employment success - Safe Resolutions

Safe Resolutions

Why do companies choose Safe Resolutions? Because experience and knowledge is critical to ensure it is done right the first time to keep people you and your business safe.

Safe Resolutions philosophy of a risk-based approach to all that we do ensures compliant, pertinent and cost effective solutions for your business. From the facilitation of broad-brush risk assessments, with the results of these used to develop company specific procedures and in turn, practical audit/due diligence monitoring processes for critical risks. Company specific incident investigation process which can encompass Human Factor (i.e. why smart people do certain things) allow the organisation to effectively and efficiently learn from mistakes and develop pertinent controls to prevent re-occurrence. We imbed risk management into all levels of the organisations we work for so that safety becomes a part of how they operate.

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Safe Resolutions's Industries
  • Professional, Scientific and Technical Services


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